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Dear Editors of LEU;
I read Alan Tang's article on Mac life in the Carribean with great interest. However, I would like to comment on two things he mentioned.
>As far as I know, only the French islands (Martinique and Guadeloupe) use 220V AC; your Mac wont care anyway.
I have heard conflicting reports about this. You should consult with the guide that came with your Macintosh. I suspect that NOT all Macintoshes are 110/220 switchable.
>OpenWindows is a 6-line RIP graphics (?) Windows board focusing on educational issues (and lots of games - whats an IBM PC without games?).
RIP is an actual graphics protocol (just like ANSI or VT-100)! It is allows for almost a Graphical User Interface in telecommnications. There is currently no way for a Mac user to take advantage of RIP boards but IBM users can use RipTerm. NovaLink Professional, by ResNova, is a Mac BBS Board software (akin to FirstClass by SoftArc). NovaLink provides a graphical user interface to Mac users and uses RIP for IBM's.